Reaganites for Kamala

Upholding Conservative Values with a Strong Leader

Why Kamala Harris Deserves Conservative Support

Tough on Crime Record

  • As San Francisco District Attorney (2004-2011):
    • Increased felony conviction rates from 52% to 67%
    • Created a special unit to combat child exploitation
    • Implemented innovative programs to reduce recidivism
  • As California Attorney General (2011-2017):
    • Defended California's death penalty law in court
    • Cracked down on transnational criminal organizations
    • Established the Bureau of Children's Justice to protect vulnerable youth
    • Implemented a statewide database to track police use of force
  • Consistently advocated for increased funding for law enforcement agencies
  • Supported policies to combat gang violence and drug trafficking

Support for International Allies

  • Unwavering support for Ukraine:
    • Visited Kyiv in 2023 to reaffirm U.S. support
    • Advocated for continued military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine
    • Supported sanctions against Russia for its aggression
  • Strong commitment to NATO:
    • Reaffirmed U.S. commitment to Article 5 collective defense
    • Supported NATO expansion to include Finland and Sweden
  • Strengthening ties with Indo-Pacific allies:
    • Engaged in diplomatic efforts to counter Chinese influence
    • Supported increased military cooperation with Japan and South Korea
  • Advocated for a strong stance against Iran's nuclear ambitions

Commitment to Democratic Institutions

  • Staunch defender of the Constitution and rule of law
  • Supports the independence of the judiciary
  • Advocates for transparent and fair elections
  • Upholds the importance of checks and balances in government

A Conservative Case Against the Alternative

Departure from Law and Order

  • Multiple legal challenges, including 34 felony counts related to business practices
  • The events of January 6th, 2021, which threatened the peaceful transfer of power
  • Attempts to pressure election officials to overturn legitimate election results
  • Criticism and undermining of law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and DOJ

Isolationist Foreign Policy

  • Weakening of NATO alliances through criticism and threats of withdrawal
  • Withdrawal from international agreements like the Paris Climate Accord and Iran nuclear deal
  • Reduction of U.S. troop presence in strategic locations, creating power vacuums
  • Trade policies that isolated the U.S. from traditional economic partners

Concerning Connections with Russia

  • Reluctance to criticize Russian leadership despite clear provocations
  • Dismissal of U.S. intelligence assessments regarding Russian interference in elections
  • Private meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin without full transparency
  • Delay in implementing congressionally approved sanctions against Russia

Running Mate J.D. Vance's Extreme Isolationism

  • Advocacy for complete withdrawal of support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia
  • Calls for significant reduction in U.S. involvement in international affairs
  • Support for policies that would diminish America's global leadership role
  • Positions that could embolden adversaries and weaken relationships with allies

Join Us in Supporting Kamala Harris

As conservatives who prioritize a strong, secure, and respected America, we believe Kamala Harris is the right choice for 2024. Her dedication to law and order, support for our democratic institutions, and commitment to American leadership on the world stage align with our core values.

Stand with us as we work to ensure a prosperous and secure future for our great nation.

Reaganites for Kamala 2024!